Weekday Preschool

Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from him

Psalm 127:3

After Over 50 Years Of Serving This Community With A Five Star Rating, We Are Sad To Say That This Will Be FBCSC Preschools Last Year. We Will Be Permanently Closing After The 2024-25 School Year. We Thank All Those Who Have Enrolled Their Children Over The Years, Taught Here, Or Supported Us In Other Ways. While It Is Sad That We Are Closing, We Are Also Excited To See Where The Lord Is Leading The Church @ St Charles In Finding New Ways To Support Our Children And The Community!

Please Check Back In The Spring/Summer For Details On A Possible Reception For Alumni. We Will Also Have A Couple Of Yard Sales, Selling Preschool Materials And Equipment. The Dates Will Be Posted Here And On Our Facebook Page.
Please contact Wendy Shumaker at preschool@fbcstcharles.com or leave a message at 301-374-6856 for more information.

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FBCSC Preschool & Curriculum Overview

The First Baptist Church of St. Charles Preschool Center’s primary purpose is to provide a quality, safe, Christian environment that stimulates each child’s learning in all areas of development. Our established program has been part of the St. Charles and Waldorf community for over 45 years. We are licensed under the Maryland State Department of Education and an EXCELS school. Our small class sizes help students to form a close classroom “Family” and give teachers more one-on-one time to work with the children at the readiness level they are at.  
The environment and the curriculum we use promote spiritual, physical, emotional, cognitive, and language development.  The Preschool Center provides a safe and stimulating place that caters to each child’s developmental and individual needs.  We promote independence so that the child will be able to accomplish skills without assistance from adults.

 We believe children are active learners.  They learn through trial and error as they engage in new, as well as familiar, explorations.  We understand that play is an important aspect of every child’s development.  During play, they learn lifelong skills in social, cognitive, emotional, physical, and creative development.  At our Preschool Center, learning is regarded as a process rather than a collection of facts.  The concepts, knowledge, and skills that children learn in their early years provide the foundation upon which subsequent learning is based. They are provided with plenty of hands on learning opportunities along with in-house and outside field trips.
Children are accepted as the individuals they are and not who the caregivers want them to be.  The teacher will put the child’s needs first and use his/her strengths and abilities as a foundation for learning experiences.  We listen to, and respect, each child as an individual. We teach problem solving, biblical character traits and self-regulation techniques to help support each child’s social-emotional health.

Activity Time
The child chooses activities such as puzzles, blocks, books, art, home-living, music, science, sensory, manipulative toys, etc.
Group Experiences
A time of planning, sharing, listening, and discovering together in the areas of music, math, reading and phonics, science, social studies, and spiritual enrichment.
Individual Teaching
Each day the teacher will have an opportunity to work  with the children, one-on-one or in small groups and at the child’s readiness level. Teachers set monthly goals for each child.
Outdoor /Gross Motor Play
Organized group games and free play help children develop large motor skills and self-confidence. Indoor gross motor play is available in bad weather.
Readiness Activities
These activities are designed to meet individual needs in the areas of reading and math readiness, visual and motor experiences, and language development. Hand Writing Without Tears is used. We provide curriculum for science, social studies, religion, math, phonics and vocabulary.
Chapel and Music
Parents and siblings are invited to our weekly Chapel time which includes Bible Stories,  learning monthly Character Traits and singing. We also have music time in the classroom .

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